Rearview Mirror T.L. Winslow (TLW), 1953- The Historyscope The Earth

TLW's New Real Climate Science Course - refounding Earth climate science sans fake science and the CO2 back radiation hoax

By T.L. Winslow (TLW), the Historyscoper™

© Copyright by T.L. Winslow. All Rights Reserved.

Original Pub. Date: Jan. 7, 2020. Last Update: Sept. 15, 2023.

Number of articles: 277.

For decades I've been the reigning World's Greatest Genius (WGG), a totally independent lone wolf beholden to no one, and after scoping Earth's climate and climate science history I decided that the whole field of climate science was in a giant mess that only I could straighten out.

No, I didn't waste my time getting a climate science doctorate (or what passes for one nowadays) or limiting my publications to peer-reviewed journals, which are all kept and wouldn't publish my work anyway. Instead I'm going straight to the public, refounding a scientific field and giving everyone the same chance to build on my work, bypassing the dopes who messed up the field and leaving them behind in the dust. Hopefully one day my students will storm the Bastille and become the establishment. Until then let the Luddites cling to their old climate science as we pass them up and they recede in the distance in our rearview mirrors.

Read some of my other colossal mountain of publications? Like my plain-speaking style and know-it-all range of knowledge? Here's a complete course founding New Real Climate Science on the ruins of the CO2-driven anthropogenic global warming (AGW) hypothesis, attacking the CO2 hoaxers of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from every angle. You can call it my attempt to become a new Galileo combined with a new Voltaire.

After 30 years, the leftist environmentalists and climate communists at the U.N. and its politician-run IPCC global octopus of kept scientists, academics, journalists, and politicians have twisted physics upside-down and backwards in their mad attempt at framing CO2 emissions as causing global warming in order to scare the world into dismantling the fossil fuel industry to pave the way for global Marxism. I founded New Real Climate Science to straighten out their bloomin' onion of lies and start over on a firm basis with no political motives. I wish I could thank all the little people whose shoulders I stood on, and if they had been giants I would have. :) Too bad, I'm the only genius in this whole field, but my time is valuable and I will soon have to solve more of the world's problems and leave this one to my students, so feel free to master my course and carry on, redoing all the mess the IPCC made and taking things way deeper. But don't mention CO2 global warming again or you're outta there.

Yes, I'm vindicating the fossil fuel industry as good for the world not bad. Leftist greenies can shove it. It's nowhere like the situation with the tobacco industry AKA Big Tobacco. This time science is on their side. I have not taken one penny from Big Oil, not because that would compromise or taint me, but because they never offered me any. Yes, I'd be glad to accept a love offering of $3 million with no strings attached so I can move to a tropical paradise and nurture my gigantic brain in a nice house with a view of the ocean. Make that $20 million and I'll buy an estate. Not that they owe me anything since I did all the work for free, but after all I've done for them why should they be Scrooges? :)

This course covers every aspect of the IPCC CO2-driven AGW hoax, and is a lot of reading, best done one day at a time. The place to start is my killer disproofs of the CO2-driven AGW hoax using undergraduate-level thermal physics

Are climatologists correct when they add solar and atmospheric radiation together when no physics texts say we can do that? I also note that the experiment linked below shows we cannot add fluxes and thus greenhouse radiative forcing cannot happen.

Is it true that increased carbon dioxide has a negligible effect on the Earth's climate?

What is the evidence that global warming is a political rather than scientific movement?

Peter Singer: How can climate change skeptics be persuaded?

Why Are Greenhouse Gas Theories Dead Wrong?

What is the difference between the WEF's 'Great Reset' proposal and Communism or Socialism? Must-read! Tell your friends!

My Cousin CO2, by T.L. Winslow

The Big Lie About CO2 by T.L. Winslow

TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change - extensive disproof of the CO2 greenhouse warming theory

TLW's Climate Science 101 - when you're ready to really get into the physics

Complete growing list of TLW's Quora climate change articles

Once that's under your belt, here's lessons covering every topic under the heading of climate science, but without the CO2 moose hockey, straightening it out as much as the heliocentric theory straightened out astronomy. The result should be a new rational understanding that paves the way for real progress. Too bad, the IPCC octopus doesn't want you to read it, and its minions are threatened to not think for themselves or rock the boat, so acceptance won't be swift. But once you know the truth there's nothing they can do to fool you anymore. Instead, ask them if they can handle the truth.

List of lessons

Total number of lessons: 230.

The Enemies: Global Marxism and Malthusianism

Climatology: Why is climate change politicized? What is the difference between the WEF's 'Great Reset' proposal and Communism or Socialism? Is global warming a significant threat to capitalism? Is global warming a hoax (joke)? How does climatology work? What reaction did you make to the UN climate change statement of "Code Red for humanity? If Climate Change is a big conspiracy, why in the world would the governments of the world put so much effort into creating a hoax that directly threatens the international oil economy to which they are all ridiculously dependent on? Is overpopulation the root cause of all the problems in this world? (Be it jobs, traffic, healthcare, pollution, terrorism, degradation of the Earth, etc) How can the present generation address these problems? What Is the Reason Most Climate Change Deniers Are From the USA? Why are most Republicans and conservatives today against environmental policies, when they themselves once sought to "conserve" the environment for future generations? Why isn't overpopulation an issue in fighting climate change? Do you think humans cause global warming? Why or why not? How long would the Earth take to cool to preindustrial average temperature if we remove all the extra greenhouse gases we added since the preindustrial era using CCS? Why are the elites so interested in promoting the idea of carbon dioxide causing climate warming? I have never seen a comprehensive breakdown of all arguments for and against climate change. I only see isolated claims on both sides with no clear rebuttals. How can I know what is true without arbitrarily finding a source I like?

The IPCC Global Octopus

What is environmentalism ideology? If climate change is a hoax, why do so many scientists say it's happening? What is the climate change movement? Do you think NASA is lying or are you just smarter than them? Climate skeptics never seem to be able to answer this question. How can I become a climate scientist?

Science: Peeling Back the Basic Layers of the IPCC's CO2-Driven AGW Hoax

What is the importance of the top three greenhouse gases? What is the effect of convection on climate? How does convection in Earth’s interior and conduction in the surface affect the temperature in our atmosphere? How can CO2 warm the atmosphere? What is global warming and its causes? Is there actual scientific proof of global warming? How can we prevent the earth's average temperature from rising by more than 2 ° C to 2100? Why is less than 0.04% CO2 important to climate change? How does .04% of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have such a large effect on global warming? Disregarding all “evidence” that flows from the logical fallacy of correlation implying causality, what evidence is there that atmospheric CO2 is causing global warming? What proof do we have that CO2 is a greenhouse gas? How do we know it has caused global warming? Where is the evidence that seems to persuade people that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not causing global heating? What proof do we have that CO2 is a greenhouse gas? How do we know it has caused global warming? Aside from the rise in mean temperature and carbon dioxide level, what are the other pieces of evidence for global warming? Can you prove beyond any doubt that global warming is caused by humans? Is it possible that we will have a runaway greenhouse effect on Earth due to humans? How much does the Sun contribute to global warming? How much does the warming from human CO2 contribute to the entire greenhouse effect of 33C? Does a correlation exist between atmospheric CO2's infrared light absorption and atmospheric temperature? Or in other words, can we measure Global Warming only from measures infrared light emitted by the Earth? Is global warming caused by solar activity? What would you say to someone who says “The greenhouse effect can’t be real because the Second Law of Thermodynamics says something cooler can't raise the temperature of something warmer”? How does carbon dioxide in the atmosphere affect how much UV radiation reaches the Earth's surface? Black body radiation goes like T^4. The green house gas effect goes like the log of the CO2 concentration. Don't these combine to severely limit climate change? What effects does the solar cycle have on Earth's temperature? What is the scientific reason behind 'normal lapse rate' that is the decrease in temperature with increase in altitude? What kind of conditions will prevail when the environmental lapse rate is equal to the dry adiabatic rate? Why do climate change denialists think a massive change in the composition of gases in the atmosphere (CO2 up from 280ppm to 410) does not lead to a massive change in the climate? What reasons do people give for being climate change deniers? How do they typically view scientific facts? Do we have conclusive evidence that humans are the root cause of climate change? What makes global warming such a complicated concept for people to understand? Will the anthropogenic global warming theory soon be discredited by science? Since when have scientists demonstrated the link between increased CO2 and global warming? Why can sunlight go into the earth through the greenhouse gases, but not come out? If greenhouse gases trap heat, why don’t they also reflect an equal amount back into space? How is the greenhouse effect of a give gas measured? I assume that at some point scientist experimented to determine the impact of a controlled increase in the proportion of CO2 in air. How was it done? What where the results? What specific chemical properties of carbon dioxide causes the greenhouse effect? Why, chemically, is carbon more reflective than other gases? Why are ideas that greenhouse gases are responsible for climate change deadly wrong? If carbon dioxide levels are tiny in the atmosphere, how can they make a difference in keeping Earth's temperature at a comfortable average? How do the greenhouse effects contradict with the second law of thermodynamics? Why do greenhouse gases hold longwave radiation? What is more accurate description of what is happening to the world weather systems? Is it Global warming or Climate change? What is the use of global temperature if it doesn't exist? What's the difference between 1.5°C and 2°C of global warming? What is the natural greenhouse effect and the anthropogenic greenhouse effect? What is the difference between them? How do greenhouse gases act to increase air temperatures near the Earth’s surface? Why is there no greenhouse effect on Mars with 95% carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? Is ground temperature warmer than air? Does CO2 have the numbers and heat capacity to harness the kind of energy (5.173 X 10^18 kJ/K) needed to raise atmospheric temperature 1 K? Could we survive on Earth without the greenhouse effect? What is the difference between the greenhouse effect and Earth's energy budget? Is global warming still a theory or a fact? Why is there still so much confusion about it? How many people deny climate change because they are not familiar with climate research and therefore think: "I don't understand it so it must be wrong"? What is global warming? Can you explain the causes and effects of climate change in simple terms? If it were that serious, shouldn't everyone be trying to help fight it? What does an increase in CO2 emissions have to do with how high the temperatures in our planet are? Is there actual scientific proof of global warming? Why is less than 0.04% CO2 important to climate change? How does .04% of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have such a large effect on global warming? Carbon dioxide, CO2 is considered a greenhouse gas. What changes occur at the molecular level when it absorbs and later re-emits infrared radiation? How does this process compare and contrast to the process that results in atomic emission spectra? Why are discussions of thermal infrared radiation confusing? What role is played by water vapor in the radiation balance of the atmosphere? Why is water less of a concern as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide? How can we better understand what is going on with climate change? Why is methane part of the greenhouse gases? What effect does methane have on climate change? If burning methane makes CO2, is burning natural gas good for the environment? How does infrared detect temperature? How does the increase of entropy affect the environment? Why doesn't the CO2 also act as a shield to reduce the heating effect of the direct sun's radiation of the Earth? Why do not all people just go plant-based, stop flying generally and stop wasting resources to help in the climate change?

Politics and Global Warming Activism

How exactly can we avoid climate change despite improved daily technology? Any intelligent ideas? Could the ecological mandate known as ATWA, proposed by Charles Manson, have a significant impact on the present global warming situation? What is Climate Action Week? Why is it important? What will be its impact? Why is climate change denial unique to American conservatives? Does the idea of global warming resemble a religion more than an actual field of science? Is there a link between 'climate change' and 'democracy'? Are there any ways that people can help prevent climate change without changing their lifestyle or buying new things? What is the common man expected to do about global crises like WW3 and climate change when the real power and responsibility lies with the 1% richest/most powerful? As someone who believes in the science of climate change, I cannot see how we can realistically get to net zero emissions in the next decades. Is zero emissions possible while keeping the world viable for 7 billion living in acceptable conditions? How do greenhouse gases help in the solution for environmental problems? Would some years without flying an airplane ever make any significant contribution to saving planet Earth? What are your thoughts on the Extinction Rebellion protests? Why did world presidents fly private jets to Glasgow for a climate change conference?

Why CO2 Emissions Are Good Not Bad

Doesn't more CO2 in the atmosphere mean plants will grow better? Is it true that CO emissions are not nearly as harmful to the environment as scientists once thought they were? Why is CO2 a better greenhouse gas despite having a lower specific heat capacity than air? How urgent is it to remove CO2 from the atmosphere for a safe climate? Can carbon dioxide be converted into usable fuel? If so, can it positively impact global warming? If extra CO2 enhances plant growth, as is believed by many global heating deniers, why do no growers increase the percentage of the gas in the air in their greenhouses and polytunnels? Could this be because the claim is nonsense? If CO2 causes global warming by trapping heat in the atmosphere, why don't double glazing companies use CO2 to fill the gap in their windows, to help insulate your home against heat loss?

Climate Change Skepticism

Are there any university Physics educated climate change skeptics who can definitively refute the 120 year old basis for Anthropogenic Global warming? Are there any reputable scientists who are known to disagree with the 'consensus' causes of climate change? Why do they disagree? Is scepticism about human-caused climate change a pseudoscience? Is climate change irreversible and inevitable? Why doesn't the body heat of 8 billion people affect the environment? Why do people disagree with climate science? Which greenhouse gas has the highest heat-trapping capacity? How does increasing atmospheric CO2 increase its temperature? If energy is neither lost, nor gained but only changed from one form to another, how is global warming possible? Where do we get the excess heat from to increase the global climate? Why do climate change deniers think they are smarter than some of the world's most respected scientists who say warming in recent decades can be attributed to human activities? Scientists for climate change have many proofs. Do Anti climate change scientists have any proofs of their own? Do you have scientific evidence that global warming is not happening? Why don't global warming skeptics who claim it's due to natural causes prove it? Why do so many people still believe climate change is a myth? Do you think that most people now can see that irreversible climate change is no longer an abstract concept? Should a climate scientist who suspects that global warming is not happening be allowed to continue to do research? What do scientists and researchers think about the "Real Science" claims against climate change? Do you feel the website is harmful to science, or perhaps useful for closer scrutiny of scientific work/research? Many agree that Mann's climate change graph is a lie. How did he get away with it and what does this tell us about climate science? Why isn't there a public debate between experts on anthropogenic global warming (e.g., Dr. Michael Mann of Penn State versus Dr. Richard Lindzen of MIT)? What do the other 3% of peer-reviewed studies on climate change say? Why do climate change deniers/skeptics never have any peer reviewed studies to back up their arguments? Do any Global warming opposition have credibility? Which one? Why Are There So Many Poor Quality Scientific Studies? How does Google fund climate change deniers?

Earth's Climate and Climate Science History

Has there actually been a scientific debate over global warming? How did the global warming hoax get started? Is it true that some years ago we didn't believe in global warming and now it's happening? 3 million years ago, the CO2 levels were the same or higher than now, and we had global warming without any industrial intervention. Today, is it a coincidence that we are contributing, or would it have warmed up naturally? What is the scientific evidence for CO2's effect on heat retention? I have read Eunice Foote's "Pioneering Research On CO2 And Climate Warming" with data form 1856. I have only seen the data taken on faith and no testing. Has it been tested? Some climate change skeptics are citing Robert W. Wood's greenhouse experiment as evidence that the greenhouse effect (applied to the atmosphere) doesn't exist. Why hasn't there been a “paradigm shift” if that was really the case? Is it true that in the Middle Ages it was warmer than today?

Global Temperature Data and IPCC Shenanigans

Studies provide evidence that rise in global temperatures over the past 150 years, has been more rapid and widespread than any period in the past 2000 years - do this findings support claims that today's global warming is the result of human activity? How do those who see no climate problem account for the fact that the last 50 years has seen global land surface temperature rise faster than at any previously recorded time in the planet's history? With record breaking heatwaves in Europe, are people still going to deny climate change exists and that we need to tackle it? Has global warming died down in 2019? Why does the Pacific Northwest see record temperatures? Is it the impact of global warming? Is the USCRN temperature station network reliable? How are the record low temperatures in warmer areas of the world related to global warming? Why is a 1 degree change in temperature over a century such a big deal? Aren't the differences in temperature between seasons and the same seasons in consecutive years orders of magnitude greater? Why are we being lied to by NOAA and NASA when it comes to global warming? According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), July 2019 was the hottest month in recorded history. For people who still don't believe in climate change, what kind of evidence would cause them to change their minds? Is there compelling evidence, beyond reasonable doubt, that climate scientists have falsified data about rising temperatures?

Dissecting the IPCC's CO2-driven AGW Hoax from All Angles

What is some good evidence against climate change being catastrophic? What are the best arguments against catastrophic human caused climate change? How does climate change lead to a catastrophe? Are there any manmade climate change arguments that aren't based on correlation? Is global warming overblown by the left? What, currently, are some of the primary indicators of climate change that should be most concerning, according to the environmental scientists? Since climate data has now reached the gold standard of scientific evidence - determining that there's only a one in a million chance that ongoing climate change could have been caused by anything other than humanity - can we stop arguing about it? We have both climate change fear mongers as well as denialists. The truth lies somewhere in the middle. What is it? How can anyone deny climate change when the evidence is so compelling and the stakes are so high? Are humans causing global warming? How is global warming real when it just blizzarded outside? How much of our crazy weather right now is a result of global warming? Since we are so worried and maybe even panicking about global warming, what is the ideal temperature of the Earth? What is the temperature we should be striving for? How do scientists know that climate change is not just a natural occurrence throughout the history of the world? Why do more and more scientists see climate change as a natural cycle? How can scientists make hard-claim of global warming? My question is more about the uncertainty associated with climate models and accumulated error over time. Why are more people feeling climate anxiety? How would a global warming apocalypse unfold? What will the human-caused global warming activists do when the hysteria ends? Will they support the industries, businesses, families, and the people they have caused extensive harm to? Will they go after the organizations that duped them? Why are we not switching to renewable energy when that can solve the problem of global warming. I know it's not cost effective yet, but isn't the life on Earth more important than some currency? What is the most critical aspect of Climate Change which human's fail to understand? How do you explain the remarkable regularity of the increased concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (climate change, earth science)? How come when there is a record breaking cold day it isn't called "global colding" or "global cooling"? How is the anthropogenic climate change hypothesis formulated? What makes global warming different from other apocalyptic predictions that turned out to be false (such as Y2K and global cooling)? Since so many people are denying and ignoring climate change, should we just stop studying the atmosphere, ban thermometers, and promote ignorance instead? How dangerous is climate alarmism when it displaces common sense approaches? For the USA, what single unprecedented event do you predict will happen (and when) in the future that will finally convince ALL climate deniers that life on earth is facing mass extinction? If I refuse to believe that humans can cause global climate change, what evidence could someone offer me to make me change my mind? Does Kugelmass's model on how to fix climate seem correct? How can I convince my son (who has an MBA) that the climate change is man-made and not a “natural correction” touted by “Faux News?”

Polar Climate

Why is the Antarctic sea ice declining dramatically? Is it true that Antarctica is so hot right now that it’s approaching devastation? Why Is the Arctic Warming, and Who Says So? How is global warming affecting Greenland's glaciers? Why are the poles warming faster than elsewhere? Why is ice disappearing across the planet at a record rate?

Sea Level

Are the sea levels rising? Can we believe the scientists’ claim that the sea level will rise a foot by 2050 when the same scientists insisted the ice caps would be gone by now? How do modern agricultural practices add to the problem of sea level rising?

Coral Bleaching

We know that coral reefs are dying because of climate change. So far most politicians haven't taken concrete actions due to lobbying interests etc. To what extent can regular people help the coral reefs? What effect will climate change have on coral reefs?


Why are wildfires being linked to climate change? If it's not proper to use one-off weather events (a particularly cold winter) as a denial of climate change, why is it proper to use one-off events (bad wildfire season) to support climate change? What can be done immediately regarding climate change causing the fires and record high temperatures on the West coast? Why are wildfires being linked to climate change? If it's not proper to use one-off weather events (a particularly cold winter) as a denial of climate change, why is it proper to use one-off events (bad wildfire season) to support climate change? Why is Australia looking at a climate change angle to all its bush fires?

Renewable Energy Scam

Why Are We Not Switching to Renewable Energy When That Can Solve the Problem of Global Warming? Can we build a 100% renewable energy world Could hydrogen be our solution to climate change? How does the Brexit victory of securing the imports of green hydrogen from Australia, where electricity is predominantly generated from coal, help to save the planet?

Misc. Topics

Climate change deniers. What's your best reason why you think it's a hoax? How is misinformation hampering the world's fight against climate change? Isn't it quite revealing that none of the top contributors to Quora's "New Real Climate Science” are actually climate scientists? Should the West bring Zabbaleen migrants from Egypt, to help them with recycling, and compensate them generously? Western recycling companies recycle only up to 30%, while Zabbaleen recycle up to 80% of trash. Do you think international cooperation should increase to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on Earth? What is causing ocean acidification? Is climate change/global warming a money grab for corporations? Will the Chinese be forced to see a mass relocation into Siberia even in a 4-degree warming? What celebrities are actively promoting climate change issues? CO2-driven global climate change: Hoax or no hoax? Why are climate change skeptics routinely referred to as science deniers? Stinking Extinction Rebellion Is Bill Gates being realistic about climate change? How was Michael Crichton’s State of Fear looked on by the global warming/climate change crowd? Do you believe that the arguments about climate change are politically motivated? Even though the ultimate fate of the Earth's climate is to heat up relentlessly to Venus-like levels as the Sun gradually ages, will the Earth still alternate between hot and cold billions of years before, or is that uncertain in the shorter term? Is climate change confirmation that the world is ending as predicted in the Bible? Is this so called New Real Climate Science site even remotely legitimate? It seems like the moderator is just a troll with an axe to grind with no grindstone. Is he a climate scientist or just a shill in denial of climate change? Does the "Real Climate Science" forum sound remotely credible when the Administrator, a small business owner, says "Don't trust the climate scientists because they don't know what they're talking about?"

James G. Matkin's New Real Climate Science Encyclopedia

A short course on real thermal physics and climate science disproving the entire IPCC lie package and freeing you of the need to study more climate science before laughing them off and working to dismantle them.

TLW's account on, where most of the lessons were first formulated and published

List of TLW's climate change articles

TLW's Climate Alarmistscope - see the IPCC octopus ramp up fake CO2-driven AGW climate alarmist stories year-by-year

TLW's Climatescope - the entire history of Earth's climate and climate science, including the controversy

TLW's Climate Change Song Gallery

TLW's Climate Video Lounge - kick up your shoes

TLW's Climate Blog List

The Historyscoper's Antarctic Volcanoes Project Blog - #1 place for daily links to important articles and op-eds on the subject of climate change/global warming. Subscribe to the free email list and keep abreast.

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